Sunday, April 24, 2011

Blog Post #13

Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX)

Alabama Learning Exchange is a great way for teachers to learn more about the subjects that they will teach. Teachers are able to learn the concepts of creating a podcast and the different lectures that they can create by using a podcast. The Alabama Learning Exchange is a website that helps teachers to create lesson plans, and to be more organized. The Lesson Plans include things that you should be teaching to students by their grade level. For example, if I wanted to know about a lesson plan for a 12th grade instrumental class, I click Arts in Education, then I check the Instrumental box and it describes in the lesson plan that the students for that particular grade should be learning about different classical composers like Amadeus Mozart or Ludwig van Beethoven.  This gives me an incite of what I will be teaching and what I can do to help my students to excel.

There is also a great way for teachers to get training through the online website. This website informs teachers of the latest technological tools that are available for them to use in their classrooms. ALEX helps teachers to be aware of tricks, and tips that can be performed when using different technological tools. This website has tutorials for multimedia tasks like podcasting, iMovie, PhotoStory, and many more applications.  Even though ALEX provides tutorials for Microsoft Word and other office productivity application, the application that was mentioned was outdated. Teachers can also find professional development programs through this useful website.

The Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students Statewide (ACCESS) program is a great tool that informs students and teachers. Students are able to find classes that may be suitable for their learning experience through the websites catalog. Students are able to find test preps for AP Exams and other testing preps that prepares them for college.This website helps teachers who want to expand their school's courses and it connects them with ACCESS teachers and staff members.  ACCESS program is an opportunity for students to find the resources that will help them to become college students and will help them to choose the classes that will prepare them.

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